The Simple Woman's Daybook
Outside My Window
It is 40 degrees and dark. The snow is gone, thank goodness.
I am thankful for
The fact that I have a few more days off with the Shrimp and my husband.
From the kitchen
Nothing tonight, but tomorrow we're having company, so I plan to peruse my new Barefoot Contessa tonight and make a menu.
I am wearing
The usual khaki pants, a white tank top, light blue cardigan, and blue clogs. Note short pants, still pretending that it's warm outside.
I am creating
The red sweater. Still. Also, I'm putting the Shrimp's sports pictures in identical frames from Ikea, and plan to line them up above his windows.
I am going
Nowhere. Hee hee hee.
I am reading
The Girl With No Shadow, and (telling myself I'm previewing it for the kid) The King In The Window. It's great.
Around the House
Thinking about organizing projects for the rest of the year. Started on the school project drawer, and still have hopes for my closet.
One of my favorite things
Being home after a week of travel and family gatherings.
From the Learning Room
The Shrimp and I made an agreement about the rest of his Christmas break homework today: he completes it without argument, and I buy some stuffed Dialga from the Pokemon collection.
He has to do five analogies a day for the next five days, read the rest of Gooseberry Park and write his synthesis, do his school math homework, do one new lesson of MathWhizz and test each day, do three drawings (today's is going to be a thank-you card we can photocopy for Christmas gifts), and do three geography lessons. He's less than thrilled, but . . . oh well . . .
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week
Company tomorrow night, homework as above, closet as above, read.